Monday, December 1, 2008


I had a pretty great Turkey day. It started on Wed. night. I arrived in the beautiful Corpus Christi, Texas around 11 p.m. I dropped my gear and my dog at my mother's house and left to visit my friends. It was like a reunion, there was people that I grew up with everywhere!! I ran into people at get-together that I have known since Pre-K ( that was over 15 years ago).

Then, my Turkey day was great. We had a big Turkey dinner with the family, watched the Cowboy game of course, and then I took an astounding nap. Then I went to play poker with some of my friends, and of course lost. I tried not to watch the T.U/A&M game, but it was inevitable. That was a bad game....almost as bad as my poker....

The weekend went on, and I took care of some personal business.

Then, my roommate( who I have known since we were in the womb) and I headed back to College Station Sunday night. It was quite an uneventful 5 hour drive.

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